Infinite Creatives

Infinite Creatives is a one hour creative session that takes place every week to explore art and performance. This might include arts and crafts, drama, music and movement.

Places are provided on a first come first serve basis, providing we can meet the support needed for the participant. Once all spaces are allocated, we will run a waiting list. You can join this by emailing

Who is it for?

  • Age 10 – 16 years
  • Formally or self-diagnosed with a learning disability or difficulty (includes neurodiversity)

Where and when is it?

The Roses, Upstairs Bar at 12 – 1pm

How to sign up:

  1. Complete the online form below
  2. We will follow up with a phone call to discuss any extra requirements and answer any questions
  3. You will receive a confirmation of place on the programme via email