News Story
‘Many hands make light work’, a phrase which proved true last week when a team of 30 from the NHS Gloucestershire Integrated Care Board used some of their team development time to pick up their gardening tools and paint brushes to help at The Roses.
The group split into three, working in rotation to weed and tidy the garden space and car park at The Roses. Each group created a beautiful painted mural that linked to their values developed during the morning’s session and the work they do. These will be installed in the theatre or garden later this year.
Team Director Ellen Rule said “we are so grateful for The Roses theatre for hosting us for our team development session. It was a brilliant opportunity for us to take a little bit of time away from the office to work together on our team objectives and values in a creative way, whilst also supporting a valued local community organisation”
Development Manager, Grace End, said "In the last week we have also learned that we’ve been successful in our application to The Woodland Trusts’ Community Tree Pack and in March 2024 will receive 30 saplings to plant. If you are an avid gardener interested in helping us upkeep our garden, please get in touch with Megan Dunford megan.dunford@rosestheatre.org for more information."
Can you help us? We are in need of some planters for our lovely re-vamped garden space. Do you have one that you could donate?
Contact Grace End, grace.end@rosestheatre.org if you can help.
As a charity The Roses’ is grateful for individuals and organisations interested in supporting us. Such as with the NHS’ group we are always open to developing ways to work together with organisations through In Kind support, our new Business Patron scheme or Sponsorship of an area of our work.
For individuals we have a blossoming membership programme and would be delighted to welcome new friends and patrons to The Roses’ Family.
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