News Story
We’re delighted to announce that registration has opened for Infinite Creatives, our creative programme for children and young people with learning disabilities and difficulties, whether this is formally or self-diagnosed.
The Infinite Creatives programme involves weekly art, music and drama sessions for 10-16 year olds, starting this September. The sessions are designed to improve participants’ confidence and mental wellbeing through creativity.
There are 15 places which are available on a first-come, first-served basis. Full eligibility criteria can be found here.
The programme has been running since September 2022 but has been allowed to continue, increase the number of sessions and widen its participant criteria, thanks to critical fundraising from the local community and Big Give Arts for Impact match funding.
Over £30,000 was raised for Infinite Creatives in just one week, enabling the programme to continue for another year. It’s a life-changing initiative for those impacted by the loss of extra-curricular provision for 16,000 children with special educational needs in North Gloucestershire. With such poor provision and access, research has revealed that neurodiverse children have more mental health issues, social isolation and development issues.
Jessica Brewster, Director of The Roses, says, “We were incredibly grateful to everyone who donated to Infinite Creatives. Without this fundraising and with no other alternative funding available, we’d have been devastated if Infinite Creatives couldn’t have continued. Our charity mission is to bring joy through creativity, Infinite Creatives goes towards closing the gap on extra-curricular activity for Gloucestershire’s children special educational needs and is critical to support the local community. We couldn’t have done this without the help of everyone who donated and Big Give.”
To find out more about Infinite Creatives and register click here. Find out how you can help The Roses charity in all its projects for the community, from The Roses’ Choir to their youth theatre, Roses Young Creatives, here.